Bush = Power! (He doesn't show me any lovin, how about you?
Why George Bush is the Epitome of POWER:
I could go on, and I will…but will let Eve respond for a while!
Reputation of Power is Power.He has the Reputation of Power. George Bush is the President of the country that used the Atomic Bomb, the country that has the most powerful military in the world, the country that has nuclear weapons...well you get the picture. The USA has a reputation of using and abusing power, and George W. is the head of that country. Plus he doesn’t support the WAR POWER ACT, because it limits his ability to exercise his power. He’s got a reputation to protect you know.
Good Success is powerHe is successful. That’s right; I said it…George W. is successful. He won the election, TWICE.
Eloquence is power.This is for you jess! Ok, so eloquence is defined as expressiveness, persuasiveness, and articulacy. Apart from the third one, George has it all. For example when he pauses for dramatic effect, or invokes sentiments of love; all of these things are done to ensure that his point is presented persuasively to the public. Bush wants to make his city a “more compassionate, decent place" because he knows that this will be persuasive in appealing to his people. Bush is exemplifying his ability to be Eloquent when that is the trait needed to stay in POWER.
Making of engines and other instruments of war; because they confer to Defense, and Victory, are Power.Need I say more? George Bush refuses to pull troops out of …well…anywhere, because he wants a Victory. Propaganda revealing to Bush’s citizens the places where America has achieved success. Of course who could forget that slogan which blessed CNN’s scrolling bottom screen for months/years to follow? I will remind you: the ongoing update on America’s ever vigilant WAR on TERRORISM described as the ultimate defense strategy.
I could go on, and I will…but will let Eve respond for a while!